If you decide to cancel your paid Happiest Baby App Premium Subscription, you'll still be able to access the Premium features and content for the duration of your monthly billing period.
For example, you have a monthly recurring payment on the 15th of each month. Your last payment was January 15, and you canceled the subscription on January 30:
- You’ll have access to the subscription until February 15.
- You won’t be charged for another month on February 15.
- Keep in mind that all Premium features will be locked from February 15 onwards.
Please note: Once your paid Premium Subscription ends, you will no longer have access to SNOO data, Premium Timeline content, or advanced SNOO settings. All Premium features will be locked after the subscription ends, and any Premium settings will revert to standard. If you renew your subscription, all data will be restored.
The list of the Happiest Baby Premium features is available here.
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