How is SNOO keeping my baby safe?

There are many ways SNOO keeps babies safe, including:

  • SNOO Sack features patented looped “wings” that slide onto SNOO’s built-in safety clips, which were designed to keep babies safely on their back all sleep long. In fact, SNOO is the first and only baby bed authorized by the FDA for its ability to keep babies on their backs. Back-sleeping is the number one safe-sleep recommendation from all leading experts.
  • SNOO has a no-fail safety feature that ensures you can never turn on SNOO’s gentle all-night motion without first engaging the safety clips.
  • SNOO features a firm, flat mattress, just as the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends.
  • SNOO has mesh sidewalls that allow air to flow in and out with ease.
  • The International Hip Dysplasia Institute has declared SNOO Sack hip-safe plus, unlike swaddle blankets, it’ll never unravel!
  • SNOO Sack and SNOO Sheet are made from 100% GOTS-certified organic cotton.
  • Phthalate and BPA-free.

See important safety information.

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