How can I help my SNOO Sack/Sleepea last longer?

You can do a few simple things to ensure that the adjustable fastener on your SNOO sack or Sleepea lasts longer.

  • Following Care Instructions

We recommend washing your sleep sacks following the care label washing instructions. This step is important as fasteners tend to adhere better to Tricot fabric after washing. The washing process helps the Tricot fabric to open up, allowing the material to catch more effectively and increase its adherence.

  • Securing Bands with Circular Motion

When reattaching the inner bands to the Tricot fabric, we suggest applying it circularly over the designated securement area.

This method promotes optimal engagement between the adjustable bands and the Tricot fabric, resulting in a stronger adhesion. Please note that there is no need to apply excessive force when using this technique. By following these steps, you can improve the adhesion on your sleep sack.



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