If SNOO rocks my baby all the time, how will he learn to self-soothe?

In the womb babies have soothing rocking and sound 24/7. No wonder so many infants have trouble sleeping in flat, still, silent, unmoving beds!

SNOO’s familiar womb sensations help babies drift easily from one sleep cycle to the next…often without fully waking. But if they do wake and fuss, SNOO waits a few additional seconds before increasing to the next level. This little delay gives babies an opportunity to begin to learn to self-soothe…and to practice falling asleep on their own.

And, by responding quickly to cries, SNOO may also help build a baby’s sense of trust (what doctors call “attachment”). This, in turn, builds confidence to fall asleep independently.

SNOO gradually helps babies learn to be better sleepers. Usually, by 2-3 months babies can sleep 7-10 hours straight. And, by 5-6 months, they are such solid sleepers that they no longer need swaddling or motion…and can easily be weaned from SNOO. (You will want to continue white noise for at least another year or two…to help your baby stay a good sleeper.)

SNOO also helps prevent common sleep disruptions (from teething, colds, growth spurts, sleep regressions, etc.) and even reduces the need for “cry it out” sleep training later on.

If you're seeking personalized sleep support for your little one, we invite you to try our Sleep Questionnaire, and our dedicated Sleep Consultants are here to help.

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